Beauty is in the eye of the beholder...



Ladies.  I have to admit that most of my life I’ve been waiting around for someone to deem me beautiful. All I wanted was for someone to think of my wild curly hair as beautiful and that desire prevented me from cultivating that love for myself.

Waiting for someone to think that I’m beautiful has been so exhausting because looking to others to feel beautiful always comes up empty.

I’m done waiting around. I’m going to take back that power and claim my own beauty. There I did it.

I  am beautiful.

Does that make me full of myself? Maybe, but it’s better than feeling not enough and looking to others to validate my beauty. That leaves me feeling dis-empowered.

This is how we spread more authentic beauty in this world and the world needs to see more beauty right now more than ever, don’t you think? 

It’s called Beauty empowerment and this movement is long overdue ladies. 

Michelle Hayes Studio Albuquerque Portrait

We’ve sat back waiting around for others to validate our beauty for a very long time now. Who gets to decide what’s beautiful? Is there a committee? A task force of already deemed beautiful people? It sure feels that way sometimes.

The most liberating thing a woman can do is to know what makes her beautiful inside and out, claim it, and then shine that beauty back out in the world for others to see and be inspired by. Because when she knows that in her bones then it doesn’t matter what someone does, or doesn’t, think of her. That’s true power.

I know it’s easier said than done to proclaim “I’m beautiful!” and to really believe it. Women have been conditioned to believe we must look a certain way and ignore what makes us unique for a very long time. But, there’s a shift that needs to happen in how we think of beauty and it needs to shift back to ourselves so we can discover it and own it for ourselves. 

To me feeling beautiful encompasses everything on the inside as well as the outside that makes you unique. It’s everything from your big beautiful brown eyes, your laugh, your tender heart to your curly hair. I call this your Beauty Mix. It’s your own personal beauty receipt that no one else shares.


Michelle Hayes Studio Albuquerque Portrait


Be compassionate with yourself… 

Nothing good can ever come from beating yourself up about the way you look. This is a fact. You can not fully feel beautiful inside and out if you are shaming, blaming and wishing any part of your body was different. You see to fully embrace the beautiful you, you will need to love yourself. All of yourself. Yes, I know self love is a hot topic these days. But it’s the foundation to believing deep down that you are beautiful. If you can’t love yourself yet, then start with just accepting yourself now and see where it leads.


Take exquisite care of yourself…

When you take exquisite care of yourself you will develop deep self respect. Now I said exquisite care and that means giving yourself attention and being present while doing any form of care of your body, mind and soul. Anyone can spend an hour getting a massage or running, but when you are fully engaged in the act of taking the time to pay respect to your body you begin to feel so much better about yourself. You can slow way down and appreciate the delicate and beautiful relationship you can have with yourself. That’s self-compassion and we need to be doing a better job at that. 

Stop comparing your beauty to others…

Comparison is the kiss of beauty death. We are all so uniquely different it really doesn’t make sense to try to compare oneself to another. I know the media, especially fashion magazines, likes to tell you straight up who is considered beautiful. But the world is made up of so many different flavors and styles we can appreciate just by walking out our front door! Why do we need a magazine to tell us who is considered beautiful? 

When you have compassion for yourself, take exquisite care of yourself and stop comparing yourself to others then you can begin to uncover what is uniquely special about your own beauty. 

I challenge you to find at least 3 things you find beautiful about yourself. You’ve done it for other people so I know you can turn seeking out beauty on to yourself.  

Let me know what’s your own Beauty Mix. I’d love for you to share it with me and the world. 


Michelle Hayes Studio Albuquerque Portrait


To find out how you can discover your own Beauty Mix in a more in-depth, fun and empowering way email me to sign up for my next online 5 Day Beauty Mix Challenge or contact me to schedule a consultation if you’d like to experience a transformative photo shoot with me. 


Michelle Hayes